Sunday, March 29, 2009

BTW (Browsing This Week) - March 29 2009

Some of the cool stuff i came across while browsing this weekend

Context sensitive info anywhere, anytime
Let's say you are at a book store looking to buy a book on (say) global warming. You find three books on the subject however you are unsure which one is the best. Wouldn't it be great if you had access to book reviews of each of these books from (say) Amazon? That would certainly help me make my decision on which book to purchase much faster and save P that annoyance of having to hang around at Landmark (for instance) for over one hour while i agonize over taking a decision. Well the demo of "sixth sense" a concept prototype by MIT media labs lets us to exactly that and much more. Very cool and innovative use of technology for oft encountered use cases. Watch the streaming video at

A code editor in your browser
Bespin is a code editor in your mozilla browser. Still in development in the mozilla labs the rev 1 features are cool. I particularly liked the coediting mode part of the demo that simultaneously performs all operations being performed on a file within all open browser instances that are viewing that file. Bespin uses a lot of the canvas functionality that is part of HTML5. Found it interesting how this project is leveraging the ubiquity model for commands, good example of collaboration among different project groups. Watch a vimeo post at

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